Thursday, August 10, 2006

I want to say "T H A N K Y O U " ! ! !

I just want to first of all give "THANKS" to God for keeping me safe and allowing me to get through the surgery with only minor complications. I serve such a wonderful and AWESOME God! He promises to never leave thee or forsake thee...... and I trust whole-heartedly in his rich and truthful PROMISES.

I also want to thank all my Family and friends and my church family. Your visits, cards, phone calls, and flowers are greatly appreciated. Most importantly I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I believe in the POWER of PRAYER.

Lastly I want to send a special thanks to my wife Tamara. She really keeps me in line and has been so good to me the past week. There is nothing she wouldn't do for me. I never take this for granite. I am just thankful the Lord blessed me with such a wonderful woman who strives each day to make our marriage better than it was the day before. Thank-You Sweetie ! ! !

As for me I am recovering better than I think most of us anticipated. The doctors stated 4-6 weeks before they would release me back to work with "NO RESTICTIONS". After my follow-up visit yesterday morning I came back with great news. My incisions are healing very well and I have been released to go back to work on Wednesday August 16,2006 with "NO RESTRICTIONS". Once again God has been so good. I am going to take it easy and relax until then. I promised the doctor no major activity and to just let my body heal and rest until then. Although alot of you might find me a bit weird..... I do miss my job more than you can ever imagine. I have a great group of co-workers that are fun to work with and most importantly care. I work with all woman so it's like have a dozen mother's around you at all times. You know there is nothing better then a MOM......... Right ???? I have the "Best" mother in the whole WORLD. (Call me biased's the TRUTH!!!!) You just can't handle the Truth....LOL

Thanks again to everyone. I Love Each and Everyone of you Very Much ! ! ! !


Brian Cooper said...

I agree with that statement too.... Not I day goes by that I don't miss your Momma (my Grandma) either Aunt Peggy ! ! ! My Grandpa too to set the facts straight.... What a great and Godly Man he was ! ! ! I taught some of the best values of LIFE ! ! !

Anonymous said...

You are right, there is nothing that I would not do for you! I am very thankful and happy that you have recovered as quickly as you have. Having said that, i expect you to go lay down and get some rest. LOL I love you!!!