Sunday, October 08, 2006

Army Spc. Jonathan R. Kephart

Today, in my church the Bob Jones University drama team told me about Army Spc. Jonathan R. Kephart's story, and how he was so willing to die for his platoon just like Jesus was willing to die on the cross for our sins. My Grandfather, Uncle, Cousin, Friend and church member of mine have either served or are serving in the military right now. Some of these people are in Iraq for a 2nd time even as I sit here and write this blog entery. Hearing this story made me think about carrying on that tradition. Even though I didn't know him personally, I wish that I would have and also if I was able too, I wish that I could have been there right by his side fighting with him, so that America could keep her freedom. If I could describe him in one word, from what I know about him, I would say courageous or dedicated. Today we were challenged to be "COURAGEOUS" and not a "COWARD" in sharing the gospel with others around us. We live in a lost and dying world and there are people we walk next to on a daily basis that don't truley believe in Jesus and are about to spend eternity in a place called "HELL" ! ! ! These people could be your Family member, Neighbors, Co-Workers, Friends, ect....ect. Are you willing to be like Army Spc. Jonathan R. Kephart and be "COURAGOUS" and share the GOOD GOSPEL NEWS with these people. You may be the only hope to witness to this lost and dying world. If you don't witness then who will??? My personal thanks goes out to the Truth in Action Drama Team from BJU for sharing this wonderful story with me and my family. How guilty I can be for taking our countries freedom for granite from time to time. God Bless our Men and Woman who lay their lives on the line daily for our protection and freedom. May those Men and Woman who have fallen in Service ever be remembered. May God send a mighty revival to this United States of America Nation and teach us a valuable lesson " We can't make it with-out God Almighty" let's get back to our nations motto "IN GOD WE TRUST"!!

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Anonymous said...
