Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday 13th

What's the maximum number of Friday the 13ths that can occur in any given
calendar year?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

The answer appears near the bottom of the page.

* Is the fear of Friday the 13th based on the fear of the number thirteen

It is, yes. And when you think about it, 13 is when numbers reach a new
level when it comes to common items. There are 12 months in a year, 12
inches in a foot, 12 items in a dozen, 12 signs of the zodiac, and when we
learn our multiplication tables in school, they go all the way up to 12
times 12. While some think that Christianity deems the number unlucky,
researchers have determined that the modern-day fear of 13 is based on Norse
mythology. According to the story, 12 gods were dining at Valhalla when a
13th guest named Loki joined the party. Loki ended up causing the death of
Balder, the Norse god of light and joy. From that day forward, the legend
goes, the number 13 has been unlucky.

* Does Friday the 13th really have an impact on the U.S. economy?

More than you might expect, in fact. According to an ABC News report from
2005, businesses lose nearly one billion dollars every Friday the 13th,
owing to everything from people who stay home from work to those who won't
travel on the unlucky day. Some of this loss is due to lower volume on the
stock market, but investors shouldn't be frightened of Friday the 13th. A
study looking at stock prices over the last 50 years proved that the Dow
performs better on Friday the 13th than on other Fridays.

* Is there anyplace in the world where Friday the 13th is considered lucky?

There are a few places, in fact. In China and much of Asia, the date is
considered fortunate, or at the very least not unlucky. You'd have to go
down under to find the people who really think Friday the 13th is lucky,
however. In Australia, lottery agents report a brisk business every Friday
the 13th, selling 50 percent more tickets than average on that day.

Quiz Answer:
C. three. Every calendar year has at least one Friday the 13th, but no more
than three of them can occur in any year.

1 comment:

Brian Cooper said...

who are you and what are your credentials to this post.... This looks more of a spam to me.... I am leary when it comes to stuff like this. Please post again and identify yourself.