Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well after the 2nd game of the World Series and a 3-1 victory for the Detroit Tigers there is a major question being asked everywhere. Was Detroit's starting pitcher using Pine-Tar or was it actually dirt and spit as Roger's claims? The real answer is does it really matter. The media really has taken a hold of this situation and trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Does Pine-Tar or any other foriegn substance really help a pitcher have more velocity on his pitch? The answer to that question in "NO". The only advantage is it helps the pitcher grip the ball better especially on a cold night. I know for a fact that many of Major League Pitchers have or are using Pine-Tar, Shaving Cream, Suntan Lotion or some sort of foriegn substance to help get a better grip on the ball! So in my personal opinion the media needs to lay off and just let this situation DIE...... After the 1st inning of the game Kenny Rogers went and washed what ever substance was on his hand off and still pitched 7 more scoreless innings. So you answer the questions did it really make a difference??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I VOTE NO!!!!!
Love you Baby Boy.